71 results for 'quit'

Quit drinking? Tune into others to rewrite your normal

…think that insecure people are seeking approval. It’s too bad because all the benefits of not drinking are true and worth quitting alcohol. When someone asks why you quit drinking alcohol, ask them ‘why not?’ and then order your club soda and listen to their reasons.’ And this perfect reflection by Liz: ‘As long as you’re still good company and…

Breaking the cycle – how CB quit drinking alcohol

The end of an era – the moment I decided to quit drinking alcohol I decided to try and give alcohol away after landing in Kununurra hospital with alcohol-related pancreatitis. Pancreatitis, by the way, is no party trick! I couldn’t lift my head up without throwing up and I’d thrown everything there was to chunder. After 10 days I sort…

You’ve decided to quit drinking, now what?

…dangerous path health-wise or you could be jeopardising your relationships with others or yourself. It is not an overnight decision Quitting drinking for most people isn’t something they just wake up one morning and say “Okay, I’m going to quit” and that’s that. When you have been doing something for a long time, it becomes a learned behaviour and this…

How to Quit or Reduce Alcohol Use

How to Quit or Reduce Alcohol Use The information below will help you clarify where you’re at in your alcohol journey, and give you some strategies to start making a change. Are You Unsure About Where You’re At? An unhealthy relationship with alcohol is different for everyone, but there are usually a number of recurring signs that are indicative of…

How quitting alcohol turned my life around

…The Sober Survival Guide; part memoir and part tactics and tools for quitting drinking. The book has been a huge success and I am excited to be releasing my new book How to Quit Alcohol in 50 Days in December 2020. Quitting drinking has changed my life. My anxiety has gone, my relationships have transformed, I am motivated, fully present,…

The moment I decided to quit drinking

I always liked drinking alcohol – for more than 30 years. For most of my adult life, I considered ethanol as something necessary for life. It was a key prerequisite for me to have ‘good’ social contacts and fun. Even when I was alone, I liked to be a little tipsy or drunk – just delightful! All that time, I…

How do I talk to those around me about my decision to quit alcohol?

Many of our Daybreak members find that, surprisingly, talking to those around them about their decision to have a break from alcohol, is difficult. It may be that drinking to excess is part of their identity, or their social life involves drinking and drinking related activities. It might be because they know that those close to them might be disappointed…

Alcohol Withdrawal – side effects and benefits of reducing or quitting alcohol

…potential symptoms, many people are apprehensive about reducing or quitting drinking. When planned safely, many of the symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal can be managed with the help of medical professionals to achieve your goal of changing your relationship with alcohol. Benefits of cutting back or quitting alcohol Cutting back or quitting alcohol has many benefits that can improve your…

What Happens When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?

…when you quit drinking: November 20, 2019 A hundred day ones By: Molly Stroud My first Day One was over a decade ago. I was a single mother of three who had just finished fast tracking By Hello Sunday Morning 5 minutes November 6, 2019 My journey to quitting – how a 90 day challenge turned into more This week’s…


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